You’ve Gotta Be Kidding Me….

This is definitely not the blog post I was hoping to write today, but alas, here it is. Saturday was so fun, I got to see my friend who was in town from Texas and we had an awesome time going out to eat with a lot of fun ladies. And yesterday was a mostly great day. I got to speak at a local church and meet some really great people (and eat some really great food!) When we got home, we put Brit up for a nap and when Eric and Evan went downstairs to watch football, I saw an opportunity to get a little nap in myself. Well, after about an hour I woke up and my eyesight started flashing in my left eye, and I knew it. Here we go again, another seizure.

The last thing I remember is thinking that I had to tell Eric and had to get out of bed. Next thing I know, I woke up across the room on the floor, surrounded by pillows, with my mother in law sitting next to me, and I had no idea what had happened.

I was informed that I went into a full on grand mal seizure complete with foaming from the mouth, face turning purple, seizing (obviously), and I bit a little chunk of my tongue off. I’m sure blood coming from my mouth just added another level to the excitement for my husband! 😦 I passed out for a while after the active seizing stopped, and apparently I kept waking up and asking what happened then passing out again, I don’t remember that at all. But I do remember feeling horrible the rest of the day. I had a headache, pressure in my head, was nauseous, and couldn’t quite get all of my brain function back very quickly.

That is a bad feeling, trying to recover from one of these. But what makes me feel worse, was that even though my oncologist told me I could stop the seizure meds, my husband had told me I should keep taking them for a few days since I was technically to be by myself with the kids today (Monday). But I didn’t listen and stopped them Friday. That really freaks me out, that this could have happened so easily while I was alone with the kids.

So I’m back on the seizure meds, probably for good. Feeling decent today, just stupid. And a little not pleased with my oncologist, but what can ya do?

Hoping today will be better!!

19 thoughts on “You’ve Gotta Be Kidding Me….

  1. Better that it happened with people there,then if you were alone with the kids. Continuing to pray for you much love.

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  2. Oh Dear, so sorry to hear this, Praying for you as always……Maybe you had one too many Sierra Mists 😉
    1 Peter 3
    3 Wives, ……… and obey your husbands …… Good advice !! 😉

      1. Double up on that seizure med, you wouldn’t want to have one this Thursday at 8pm now would you 😉

  3. So sorry, tears sting my eyes as I follow your journey. I’m walking beside a friend on her journey, battling stage 4 brain cancer & my son’s journey of Epilepsy.
    BUT I was encouraged this weekend that Our God is bigger then statistics, and He is with us each step of our journey….we may not always see Him, but He is there! Blessings!

  4. I pray for you Kim. Like i said you are very strong. I am sure that after some time i will read your post here and you will say that everything is ok for you and for your family.

  5. Kim,
    Enjoyed getting to meet you in person at church on Sunday.Was so saddened to read this blog tonight.But want you to know I will continue to pray for you and your family.

  6. I was thanking the Lord this morning for the healing work He’s doing in you. I believe He’s not finished either. trust in Him in new ways & lean not on your own understanding. i’m excited to see what God will do next. since we both are Christians & I’m a lot older, I’ll just say, i’m praying for little sister.

  7. I am sorry to hear what happened. But happy to hear u had a good weekend. U r a amazing person and I pray for u and ur family. U have touched so many lives u don’t even know. Keep being u and living for the Lord.

  8. Kim, I’m so sorry to hear about your seizure. They are difficult for the sufferer, but perhaps more so for those around you. Believe me, the after affects go away and next time you go off the meds, perhaps it should be a ‘little at a time’? When I went off, it took about 3-4 weeks to taper down to nothing. My sister has been on different seizure meds for 40 years and lives a wonderful full life! Sharon S

  9. Kim, sure hope you are feeling much better today. Sometimes I think the oncologist think that all patients fit into the same molds but each individual is a little different. They do the best they can but it great that God knows us better than anyone and there was someone with you and all ended better than it could have. Blessings and prayers to you and yours.

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